Jun 23, 2009

Tates Hospital Visit

Tate had nausea and vomiting for a couple of days which landed him in the ER for dehydration. Tate was a real trooper. He had blood test and IV's and peeing in cups and rectal temps and vitals and medications and he was such a trooper through the WHOLE thing! After he recieved a couple of bags of fluids he started to perk up more. Here is a picture of Tate from the other day in the ER.

Jaycie turned 7 months...

Jaycie turned 7 months old and 5 months adjusted this month.

Last week Jaycie had a fever of 106.7.... YES 106.7 she didnt not seizure (thank goodness). She responded well to tylenol. We took Jaycie in everything pointed to Viral (Tate was in hospital a couple of days earlier with dehydration from nausea and vomiting.) They had to take urnine via straight cath from Jaycie. The preliminary report showed clear... they sent it in and this weekend it grew and connfirmed she has a UTI. Because of her age and the fact she has a UTI she has to go in for a renal ultrasound and a VCUG (where they will put a catheter like thing and use dye with ultrasound. Ughhhhhhh That will be this Friday. My poor baby!!

In other news she weighs 13lbs 9oz at her appointment!

Lets pray Friday goes as smoothly as possible for Jaycie

Alexis 3rd Recital

Alexis had her 3rd recital. She did so well. She had 4 dances.

Tap- Never Fully Dressed (Annie)
Ballet- Twinkle Twinkle
Jazz- BIG (Big and Chunky from Madagascar 2)
DE Production- JUMP

She did well. The following week she had dance camp. Here is a few pictures of Alexis before try-outs

I will be sure to post recital pictures AS SOON as Matt scans them in!